Buhr & Associates

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

   Group life insurance is a type of life insurance in which a single contract covers an entire group of people. Typically, the policyowner is an
   employer or an entity such as a labor organization, and the policy covers the employees or members of the group.

   Group life insurance is an extremely important part of any employee benefit package. In the case of an unexpected death, life Insurance
   provides the security of knowing a person’s financial obligations are met. 

   There are many optional plan designs that an employer can choose from. An employer can choose either a flat-dollar amount or a multiple
   of an employee’s income. Most insurance companies allow employees to purchase additional coverage with little or no underwriting
   depending upon the amount selected. Optional coverages can include Voluntary Life insurance, Supplemental Life coverage, Accidental
​   Death and Dismemberment policies, and Dependent Life insurance.