
​   Design, funding, administration, communication, and compliance - these are the five critical elements that every organization must take into
   account when making a decision on their benefits package. Without proper consideration to these elements benefit plans can have a
​   negative impact on both the employer and employee.


​   At the core of every benefit plan is program design.  Although every plan design seems like a simplistic endeavor, there is a lot that needs to
   be taken into consideration.

   Our extensive experience and understanding of plan design helps you structure a plan that impacts both you and your employees in a
   positive fashion.  For this to happen we include the following in our recommendation:

  • ​Strategic planning
  • Objective setting
  • Budget parameters and tolerances
  • Utilization and claims analysis
  • Cost of sharing (both employee contribution and plan design)
  • Overall plan performance


   Employee benefits has always been one of the most significant expenditures an employer has and how an employer funds their benefit
   plan is crucial to reducing their overall long-term expenses. 

   We provide creative funding methods and alternative risk arrangements, allowing employers to moderately to significantly reduce their
   cost. We do this in a clear and concise format, simplifying all funding arrangements. Once a funding arrangement is in place we forecast

   budgets, monitor the performance, verify the precision and make any necessary adjustments. 

   ​Our funding strategy incorporates all of the following:

  • Overall expense reduction
  • Tolerance for risk
  • Predictable cash flow
  • Predictable budgeting
  • Fiduciary considerations
  • Administrative compliance implications

   Our funding options include all or combinations of the following:

  • ​Fully insured
  • Self-insured with stop loss insurance
  • Self-insured
  • HRA
  • HSA
  • Defined Contribution


   Benefit administration is often a time consuming and sometimes confusing endeavor that many employers despise. Paper enrollment,
   keeping track of employee waiting periods, adding and terminating employees from coverage, multiple entries and files for similar but
​   different items, constantly answering employee benefit questions all create an unnecessary burden on the employer.

   But, what if there was a way to simplify these tasks and relieve the burden placed on the employer?  Well, there is a way and we have the
   tool just for you.  With our all-in-one platform employers can substantially reduce the burden placed on them and simplify the
   administration of their benefits.  

   This all-in-one platform not only incorporates benefit administration, but includes a human resource information system, time and
   attendance, PTO, payroll, ACA compliance and a human resource database for all areas of human resources.​

   Included in HR and benefit administration are:

  • ​Understanding or developing the strategy on sourcing (insourcing, outsourcing and Software as a Service (SaaS))
  • Evaluation of current systems, processes, vendors and partners
  • Consideration of internal capabilities and current administrative platform. 
  • Efficiency analysis
  • Ability to comply with federal and state regulations
  • Review of existing vendor contracts, pricing, services, performance and management. 


   Employer-employee relationships are built on communication, and proper communication makes the difference. Behind direct
   compensation, benefit costs are frequently the second largest employee expense, and this makes it essential for employees and their
   families to understand, exploit, and ultimately appreciate the benefit programs available. 

   The success of every benefit program is directly related to proper communication. From voluntary benefits to steering employees towards
   the most cost effective medical plan, the best plan design and strategy will be unsuccessful if there is not proper engagement of your

   The communication we recommend to your workforce is highly dependent on the make up of your workforce. In order to be as effective as
   possible, we may recommend different approaches based upon the population of your workforce.

​   Content development, design, media selection, production, delivery and budget requirements are all of the elements that communication
   projects customarily consider. Regular communications can include:

  • Targeted enrollment and new hire materials
  • Newsletters, benefit guide, benefits-at-a-glance, election forms, posters, payroll stuffers, flyers, PowerPoint presentations
  • HTML email announcements
  • Content, message and ideas for in-house publications
  • Onsite employee meetings
  • Web-based employee meetings
  • Online company benefit portal
  • Ongoing relevant and timely employee benefit / wellness education newsletters
  • Topic-specific communication campaigns tied to your overall benefits strategy, such as wellness programs
  • Employee benefit statements / total compensation statements and 
  • Employee satisfaction surveys


​​   With ever changing legislation coupled with new requirements under the Affordable Care Act, keeping benefit plans compliant should be a
   priority of every employer.  

   Our compliance, ERISA and regulatory material is provided by a team of attorneys and human resource experts who specialize in benefit
   law, employment law, human resources and more, giving you concise guidance so you won't miss a thing.

   These resources can be accessed by our clients to assist in ongoing plan maintenance, which includes general plan guidance, training
   webinars, model documents and forms as well as other tools to help meet regulatory requirements of employee benefit plan sponsorship.  

   One of our ongoing services is to work with our clients to identify areas of non compliance and determine a strategy to resolve the issue. 
   On most occasions, these issues are managed independently by our clients with the support of one of our consultants; but, on occasion, it
   may require the introduction to outside counsel in order resolve the situation. We have found that most of the questions employers have
   center around the following:

  • ​Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  • ERISA non-discrimination rules, including issues concerning regarding wellness programs, premiums and discounts, and similar issues
  • COBRA, including operation, notice, and related matters
  • HIPAA Privacy and Security
  • Filing and other requirements, such as Form 5500s
  • HRA, HSA, FSA operation, such as change in status and other rules
  • General compliance issues for welfare benefit plans


Buhr & Associates