Buhr & Associates

Dental Insurance

   After medical insurance, dental insurance is the most sought after benefit employees want. Dental plans can be made available on both a
   voluntary and contributory basis and come in either an indemnity or PPO form. Generally speaking all dental plans are broken down into
   three tier-type services: preventative, basic and major services.

   Preventative services typically are covered at 100% and include teeth cleanings, routine exams and bite wing xrays. Basic services typically
   are covered at either 80 or 90 percent and include simple extractions and simple fillings. Major services are generally covered at 50% and
​   can consist of root canals, bridges, crowns, dentures.

Indemnity Plans

   Indemnity plans pay a fixed dollar amount for each service regardless of the actual cost of the services plus they have the flexibility to visit
   any dentist they want as there is no network. While this flexibility is nice, it does come at a price. Since there is no network, there are
   no negotiated fees for services - the dentist can charge whatever he wants, sometimes costing you substantially more. This type of plan is
   generally beneficial for employees who have dependents who are away at school, employees traveling and employees in companies with
   multiple locations since they will always have access to dental care.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

   Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) consist of a network of dentists where you can visit any dentist in the network. When doing so, you
   will receive services at a discounted rate and the dentist cannot balance bill you. If you go outside the network you will still receive care, but
   you will usually pay more and be subject to balance billing. If at all possible, it is always recommended that you stay within the network in
   order to limit your financial obligation.

Dental Insurance